The Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay has met with the Chief Operating Officer of DelAgua Group, Euan McDougall, to be presented with an update on the state of the company's activities in Sierra Leone since the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the company and the Ministry of Energy.
In August 2022, the Minister of Energy signed an MOU with DelAgua Group for the provision of cooking stoves to rural communities in the country, in line with the Ministry's quest to enhance access to modern energy by investing and enabling investment in clean cooking fuel and household energy.
Giving an overview of his company's activities in the last one year, Mr. McDougall stated that since the signing of the MOU, DelAgua had imported and distributed twenty-seven thousand (27,000) cook stoves to beneficiary families in rural communities at no charge.

He said his company had taken steps to genuinely invest in the energy sector and assured of his desire to not only enhance or sustain these gains but to expand the scope and scale of his company's investments in the country.
The Chief Operating Officer went on to say that his company had conducted some 20,000 educational household surveys, with the remaining 7,000 to be completed in September this year, noting also that a country team had been set up with full time staff and volunteers.

Responding, Minister of Energy Alhaji Kanja Sesay, assured of the government of Sierra Leone’s willingness to effectively collaborating with DelAgua.
He continued that the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change has been exploring legal avenues to translate the bilateral agreement between the Ministry of Energy and DelAgua into a government policy through the endorsement of Cabinet.