Dr. Idris Lahai, self appointed social investigator and social analyst, have responded to complaints of cyber bullying committed by him. The complaints were voiced out by forty women’s group who viewed his recent utterances as attacking tirades, amounting to insensitive personal attacks on First Lady Fatima Bio and womanhood itself.
Dr. Lahai had taken to his page to describe the outrage as hypocrisy from many, particularly long time friend of first Lady Fatima, Dr.Sylvia Olayinka Blyden, backing his argument with a not so recent video of Dr. Blyden uttering similar invectives against someone who had incurred her wrath.
He had gone on to question the authenticity of the signatures of the women's groups, alluding to similarities akin to identicalities.
Dr. Lahai later remarked that attacks on his wife and family are expected backlash of his crusade, promising a continuation of his work.
The whole situation had commenced when Dr. Idris Lahai had assumed the role of private investigator of fake degree holders, to auditor of financial exploitation and corruption. In recent weeks, Dr. John Idriss Lahai had taken to delving into the operations of the First Lady’s initiative of providing health care products for menstruation dubbed the “free sanitary pads” under the hands off our girls project.