The Government of Sierra Leone, represented by the Ministry of Finance and the National Commission for Social Action, entered into an agreement on Friday, February 2nd, 2024, to fortify various youth empowerment initiatives within the country.
This agreement secured a substantial grant of €17.5 million from the Government of Germany.
During the formal signing ceremony, Deputy Financial Secretary Morie Momoh elucidated the objectives of the meeting, emphasizing the critical importance of this agreement.
Ambassador Ernest Baimba Ndomahina, Commissioner of the National Commission for Social Action, underscored that the grant is specifically designated for the Greater Prosperity for Young Entrepreneurs (GPCYE) program, with a focus on youth employment. Furthermore, Commissioner Ndomahina delineated that the grant will be strategically implemented in the districts of Bo, Bonth, and Moyamba.
His Excellency, Ambassador Jens Kraus Masse of the Federal Republic of Germany, elaborated on the enduring bilateral relationship between Sierra Leone and Germany, highlighting the significant impact of this grant on the people of Sierra Leone.
In gratitude, Honorable Minister of Finance Sheku Ahmed Fantamadi Bangura expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the Ambassador and his esteemed team for their generous support.
The Minister provided solemn assurance that the entire €17.5 million will be efficiently utilized to benefit the intended recipients, ensuring a tangible and lasting impact.
According to the Minister of Youths, Mohamed Orman Bangura, on his social media platform, the government recognizes the immense significance of engaging the youth sector leadership and such engagement holds the key to financing youth skills development, empowerment, and initiatives, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future.
He continued that such engagements amount to investing in their skills development and empowerment as not only a moral imperative but also an economic necessity.