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Grammar school set dates for entrance exams

The Sierra Leone Grammar school is announcing the dates for entrance exams for Senior Secondary School pupils into form four.

As per their norm, all students from other schools who are at the level of attempting public exams and are hoping to gain admission into the school, are required to take their own set exam.

This year’s exams date are 15th and 16th August at 9am for pupils hoping to gain admissions after taking the Basic Education Certificate Examination. This date is soon after the public exams itself scheduled to commence OM July 24th but well before the marking, publication and distribution of those results.

It seems premium is now placed on those who take the school’s set exams, ahead of the publication and distribution of these public exam’s result by the Ministry and the West African Examination Council(WAEC).

This action has been commended by many who are of the opinion that public exams cannot adequately portray the academic capabilities of pupils.

Given the reacquiring of their independent status, as a private school in 2007, they are within their rights to set standards of operations for themselves.

Others however have questioned the action of the school who are now coining an image of “most difficult school to enroll into, given their higher than usual cut off mark.


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